ZigaForm version 5.2.6
2F CTF Tower, 34 San Rafael St., Plainview, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Group Life Insurance

Group Life Insurance

July 3, 2016


Acknowledging the contribution of our workforce in the success of each organisation, KEYMAN has designed a comprehensive group life insurance coverage for companies. This comes in two variants:

1. SME Package – with at least 5 employees.
2. Corporate Package – with at least 100 employees

The following riders/additional benefits are available:
1. Accidental Death – provides additional benefit if death is caused by an accident as defined by the service agreement.
2. Dismemberment – provides coverage for the loss of a body part. Please refer to the dismemberment table of the contract.
3. Total and Permanent Disability – provides a waiver of premium.
4. Hospital Income Benefit – provides a daily allowance should the member be confined for a number of days. Such benefit is stipulated on the schedule of benefits of the contract.
5. Medical Reimbursement – provides for a cash reimbursement in the event of an accident. Refer to the contract for the schedule of benefits.